Analyze feedback by keyword to gain deeper context into topics.
- Click
on the top left of the navigation bar.
- Select the Detail tab.
- Select a Topic on the right side of the page.
- Review the Feedback by Keyword chart.
- Hover over the chart to highlight and view underlying data: # feedback, % positive, and % negative.
- Click to view the verbatim feedback by keyword on the Review Feedback page
- Each topic contains keywords unique to your products. Keywords can be compounded by one or more words and are defined as the important topics in your feedback.
# Feedback
- Loop measures keywords by the amount of feedback associated. The count of feedback shows how many pieces of unique feedback mentioned the keyword for the selected topic.
- A single keyword can never be counted more than one time per piece of feedback, even if it is mentioned numerous times.
% Positive, % Negative
- Keywords can be positive or negative.Keyword sentiment shows the % of feedback that is positive about an individual keyword, so you can understand topics at a deeper level.
- For example, if the topic price metric has a high volume of negative feedback related to the keyword "minutes", the feedback is likely related to dissatisfaction with charges per minute.
- % positive = (total positive feedback) / (positive + negative feedback).
- % negative = (total negative feedback) / (positive + negative feedback).
Appears when a keyword is negative. A keyword is considered "negative" when its related feedback is less than 50% positive.
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