View a project plan of all actions by product, time frame, and topic.
Click on the Actions tab
located on the navigation bar. You are taken to the Plan section by default.
The Plan section shows the total actions based on the filters selected.
- Each row in the table represents an action, organized by Topic. Rows can be sorted by:
- Topic (organized as parent rows in the table)
- Action Name (with associated status to the left)
- Product (product labels associated with the action)
- Owner (Loop user assigned to the action)
- Start Date (date the action is selected to begin)
- Days Active (days between action start date and current date/ date deactivated)
- Impact
(=(Ending % Positive / Starting % Positive)^ (1/months active) - 1)
Click the edit icon
to update the associated action's owner, start date, and/or status. *See permissions for managing actions
- Click the trash icon
to delete the associated action. (Note: Deleted actions are removed from Loop and cannot be recovered. If you wish to maintain the historical performance of an action that is no longer in place, consider deactivating instead of deleting the action.)
Filter actions by product, time frame, topic, and status.
Product, Time Frame, and Topic filters function identically to those on the insights pages, and will carry over from other sections of Loop. For example, if you filter by product on the Insights page, that same product will stay filtered on the Actions page.
Filtering by time frame will include all actions that existed during the selected time frame, based on the filters selected. For example, if filtering to show only actions in the last 12 months, actions that created 24 months ago and deactivated 6 months ago would show up. Deleted actions are never returned in calculations.
Toggle the status filter to see only active or inactive actions.
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