In order to understand the most important topics impacting your business, LoopVOC calculates a simple score that can help the key identify areas to focus on.
The Topic Impact Score shows the topics that have the most impact on overall feedback sentiment. The score works by measuring the topics that have the highest volume of feedback, compared with the biggest variance in positive sentiment.
Here are the steps for calculating the impact score for a topic:
First, we calculate the relative volume of topic feedback:
Topic % of overall feedback = Topic feedback volume / Total feedback volume
Next, we calculate the variance of topic sentiment compared to overall feedback:
Sentiment variance = Topic sentiment - Total feedback sentiment
Finally, we calculate the impact of the topic on overall sentiment with a weighted score:
Topic impact score = Topic % of overall feedback x Sentiment variance
Topic impact scores are visualized in the Feedback by Topic chart on the LoopVOC overview dashboard.
Topics with the highest scores are summarized as your strengths that most positively impact overall sentiment. These topics have the highest volume and percentage of positive feedback.
Topics with the lowest scores are summarized as your weaknesses that most negatively impact overall sentiment. These topics have the highest volume and percentage of negative feedback.
Strengths and weaknesses that are trending more negatively over time are summarized as threats. These are the topics that have the potential to hurt overall sentiment if left unaddressed.
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